New Hire Onboarding (New Staff in Years 0-1)
🟡 "0-60" New Hire Cohort Certified Teachers
This eight week series will take novice teachers through the first 60 days of their educational careers. The courses will provide the support, insights and network necessary to not only retain but empower and ignite the future of your school. In this mixed cohort setting, new teachers will be able to gain insights and build professional networks outside the four walls of their building, while honing skills and building a reflective foundation.
- Week 1: Introduction to the Education Workplace
- Week 2: One-on-One Session with your Success Coach
- Week 3: Building Quality Relationships & Google for Education Essentials
- Week 4: Lesson Design Framework & Student-Centered Learning
- Week 5: School Climate and Classroom Culture & Professional Learning Communities
- Week 6: One-on-One Session with your Success Coach
- Week 7: Observations and Evaluations: How to be Prepared and What to Expect
- Week 8: MTSS: Multi-tiered Systems of Support
🟡 "0-30" New Hire Cohort for Paraprofessionals and Support Staff
Inspired by the success of the "0-60" New Hire Cohort for Certified Educators, this four week series will support non-certified support staff (including paraprofessionals, secretaries, and other auxiliary professionals) in a condensed program format.
- Week 1: Introduction to the Education Workplace
- Week 2: One-On-One Session with your Success Coach
- Week 3: Google for Education Essentials & School Climate and Classroom Culture
- Week 4: MTSS: Multi-tiered Systems of Support (Special Education focused)
🟡 Educator Essentials Academy (through MOESC)
This 3-part series includes a one hour introduction to the teaching profession, followed by two full days of Professional Development to support educators through their first months of school.
To register for this workshop series through Monmouth-Ocean Educational Services Commission, please click here.
- Session 1: Launch
- Session 2: Ignite
- Session 3: Elevate

Non-Tenured Educators (Current Staff in Years 1-4)
🟡 "Not-Yet" Tenured: Ignite the Passion Cohort
This series expands on the 0-60 model and is open to all novice teachers within your schools. This series explores research-based best practices and a growth mindset in order to establish and hone reflective practice. This mixed cohort provides a forum for reflective practice and an expanded professional network to navigate the challenges and triumphs the first four years of teaching brings.
The workshops in this series is designed to meet for (8) half-day sessions over the course of one school year.
- Session 1: Reflective Practice
- Session 2: Professional Learning Communities
- Session 3: Behavior and Social Emotional Learning
- Session 4: Meaningful Assessments and Purposeful Feedback
- Session 5: Teacher Leadership
- Session 6: Coaching Cycle
- Session 7: Mentorship
- Session 8: Lifelong Learners